Departure is on May 24, 2025 (subject to flight availability). The tour has a great mixture of CHURCH HISTORY, AMERICAN HISTORY & CULTURAL ACTIVITIES. Tour runs approximately two weeks. Pricing subject to change according to market increases after March 1, 2025.
*The itinerary is tentative and subject to change Sat. May 24 - Richfield / Salt Lake City or Las Vegas / New York We will leave from the Richfield High School parking lot in chartered buses to the SLC and Las Vegas airports. All participants need to be at this location at a designated time TBA or meet us at the correct Airport. The tour will end at the same Richfield parking lot at the conclusion of the tour at a designated time TBA. Our flights leave out of Salt Lake City and Las Vegas at approximately 11pm, they will take us to New York. We will be sleeping on the plane and arrive around 6-7am Sunday.
Sun. May 25 - New York and Philadelphia, PA We will have breakfast at Battery Park & then take in some of the sights and sounds of the “Big Apple”, New York City. We will spend a little time touring around Manhattan Island including a view of the Statue of Liberty. We will also visit the 9-11 Memorial site and remember the sacrifices that were made there. Lunch will be your choice in Times Square! We then continue on to Philadelphia to partake of this great city that was pivotal during the founding of our country. We will see and visit the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall (signing of the Declaration of Independence) & see Ben Franklin's grave. We will overnight in Elkton, MD.
Mon. May 26 - Washington D.C. We begin today by visiting our nation’s capital, Washington D.C. We will spend a good portion of free time today seeing all the sights we can: The Smithsonian, The Holocaust Museum, The Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, The Capital, The Aerospace Museum, The White House, etc., anything your heart desires. We will then as a group travel to Arlington National Cemetery and witness its beauty and also the “Changing of the Guard”. We will conclude the day by visiting the DC Temple. We will stay the night in Sterling, VA.
Tues. May 27 - Gettysburg / Hershey, PA We make the journey today to the town of Gettysburg PA, site of the pivotal battle during the Civil War. We will visit the Gettysburg Park Museum and Visitors Center along with viewing the Cyclorama picture depicting the famous battle. We will climb Little Round Top and discuss its history and examine all the spiritual/scriptural lessons applicable to us from that significant battle location. We will then visit Hershey, PA, learn the unique history, see the sights, shop in their amazing Chocolate World store & each build our own unique candy bar and then we will overnight in Hartford, CT.
Wed. May 28 - Boston, Massachusetts Today, we are greeted by the great city of Boston. We will spend time walking The Freedom Trail and see sites such as Boston Commons, Boston Harbor, the Old Church, and the graves of John Hancock, Paul Revere and others. We will eat lunch at Quincy Hall where there are many options and lots of fun shopping. We will learn about the battle at Bunker Hill, tour the USS Constitution ship and many other beautiful sites of Boston. We will overnight in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Thurs. May 29 - Sharon, Vermont / Harmony, PA Today, we will spend our time in Sharon, Vermont, the birthplace of the Prophet of the Restoration. We will tour the Visitors Center and listen to the missionaries teach. We will see the remains of the foundation of his original home. Also, we will see and stand at the spot where the cabin stood in which Joseph was born and see some original pieces of that cabin. We will then visit Harmony, PA where many church history events occurred including the restoration of the priesthood, see the Susquehanna River, and visit the grave site of Joseph and Emma's first son Alvin. We will overnight in Vestal, NY.
Fri. May 30 - Fayette / Palmyra, NY Today, we will make our way over to the grassroots area of the Church in upstate New York. Our first site is Fayette. The Church was officially organized here in 1830 at the Peter Whitmer Sr. Log House. Today is a memorable one as we visit many of the sites in the Palmyra area. We will be taking in the E.B. Grandin Press and Print Shop where the first copies of the Book of Mormon were made. Nearby is the grave site of Alvin Smith [older brother of Joseph]. We will also visit the Hill Cumorah with the new Visitors Center. Also, there are the Smith Cabin and the frame home built by Alvin to tour and experience. Those that are interested and able will enjoy doing baptisms in the Palmyra Temple. We overnight in Palmyra, NY.
Sat. May 31 - Palmyra, Niagara Falls, NY / Kirtland, Ohio This morning we begin with a visit to the Sacred Grove where we will spend some time reflecting on the events that have transpired there. We will have plenty of time in the Grove to ponder, meditate, study and write. Following this experience we will travel to the majestic Niagara Falls for a memorable photo opportunity as well as a voyage on one of the ‘Maid of the Mist’ boats that take you right under the falls. From here we travel south to Kirtland, Ohio. This area is amazing as we visit four different sites where the Father and Son appeared. We will visit the Isaac Morley Farm and other significant church history sites. We will spend the night in Mentor, OH.
Sun. June 1 - Kirtland, Ohio Today we will spend the Sabbath in Kirtland. We will attend church and visit the John Johnson home in Hyrum. We will also visit the Kirtland Temple, which was the first Temple built in this dispensation [D&C 109 & 110]. We will also visit Historic Kirtland Visitors Center where missionaries will teach us the rich church history that is found in this great area near the Newel K. Whitney Store, including the school of the Prophets room. We will overnight again in Mentor, Ohio.
Mon. June 2 - Sandusky, Ohio Today we visit the #1 rated amusement park on the planet, the famous Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio which is located on the shore of Lake Erie. It is the second oldest amusement park in North America and boasts the largest number of roller coasters of any other amusement park! No wonder it is known as the Roller Coaster Capitol of the World! We will have plenty of time to browse all 363 acres and especially enjoy the experience because of the Fast Pass Plus (student purchases day of) which allows front of the line access to all rides! We attend an outrageous Mexican Buffet complete with a Liberty Tours talent show and overnight in Maumee, OH.
Tues. June 3 - Shipshewana, IN / University of Notre Dame / White Sox Game Today we are traveling through Amish country and cross Ohio into Indiana and will have an incredible experience as we stop in Shipshewana, Indiana and shop at a huge flea market. We will feast on an Amish meal complete with homemade pie! Then, we make a stop in South Bend Indiana and do a campus tour of the University of Notre Dame and see the history and traditions of this great university. We will then take in a White Sox vs. the Detroit Tigers game at Rate Field! We overnight in Joliet, IL.
Wed. June 4 - Nauvoo, IL Today we spend time soaking in the sights and sounds of Nauvoo. There are over 30 sites to see and choose from... several historical homes and sites, a horse and carriage ride, a good local fudge factory, etc. and re-experience history as we view the Nauvoo Temple…, for those able and interested may perform Baptisms. Time permitting, we visit the LDS Visitors Center where we see the model of 1846 Nauvoo and the magnificent sculpture garden that features the Monument to Women. We will also attend Sunset on the Mississppi, a song and dance show performed by the missionaires. We stay the night in Nauvoo.
Thurs. June 5 - Carthage / Adam Ondi Ahman / Far West We arrive today in Carthage and reflect on the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith at the Carthage Jail. Following this sobering experience, we will then travel on and see where the human race began at Adam-Ondi-Ahman. We will spend some time exploring the past, present and future significance of this sacred ground. We will visit Far West where, among other things, the cornerstones for a temple were laid. We overnight in Kearny, MO.
Fri. June 6 - Independence / Liberty Jail / Omaha We will travel to Independence where we will explore the area with a visit to the Community of Christ Temple and Headquarters (formerly RLDS) as well as the ‘Temple Lot’ and the Church's Visitors Center. We will study from our scriptures the revelations leading up to the designation of Independence as the “center place” of Zion. We will also spend some visiting the “Temple Prison”—Liberty Jail to learn and experience that sacred location. There will also be a visit to the Liberty Cemetery. We then make our way to Omaha, Nebraska to visit the Mormon Trail Center at Historic Winter Quarters. It was here where the Saints who fled Nauvoo ended for the winter of 1846-47. Here we also see the Pioneer Cemetery and the new Winter Quarters Temple. We will stay the night in Lincoln, NE. Sat. June 7 - Omaha / Laramie, WY Today we make our way across Nebraska and Wyoming. We spend the night in Laramie.
Sun. June 8 - This is the Place Monument, SLC / Home We will spend time learning of the stories of our pioneer ancestors who sacrificed much in building the Kingdom of God. The final stretch of our journey takes us back to the great state of Utah, a stop at 'This is the Place Monument' in SLC, and then home to our families.
*The itinerary is subject to change.
YOUTH TOUR COST PER PERSON:- $2,700 (Quadruple Occupancy - 4 to a room) Pricing is subject to change after March 1, 2025.
YOUTH TOUR Double Occupancy (2 to a room) / Or Couples (Chaperones): $3700 per person
DEPOSIT REQUIRED: $500 per person (deposit goes up closer to tour date)
PAYMENT SCHEDULE: The $500 deposit at time of registration with monthly payments of at least $500 with the balance due by April 1, 2025. All registrations not paid in full by April 1, 2025 will be subject to market increases. All new registrations received after April 1, 2025 will be subject to a minimum $300 increase and/or other fees based on market conditions.
ROOMMATES: If you have a roommate preference, please let us know. Single people may sign up for accommodations on a share basis and will be assigned roommates as circumstances permit. If a roommate is unavailable, the participant will be notified of the adjusted price prior to departure.
CANCELLATION FEES and REFUND: $300 of the deposit is non-refundable for all cancellations (including cancellations beyond control of Liberty Tours ie: Covid-19). In addition, all cancellation charges imposed by airlines, hotels, vendors, operators, etc. will be passed on to the participant.
▪ One-way airfare from Salt Lake City or Las Vegas to destination airport.
▪ First-class, top-quality tour with experienced tour directors
▪ Private, deluxe air-conditioned motor coach
▪ Hotel Accommodations
▪ Three meals daily (Tour pays for two and participant pays for one meal.)
▪ Admission fees to all sites except Cedar Point Upgrade to Fast Pass Plus (see detailed itinerary)
▪ Tour t-shirt, lanyard, string back pack
▪ Airport and other departure taxes- (luggage fees by participant if applicable)
▪ REGISTRATION, DEPOSIT, PAYMENT, AND CANCELLATION: Early reservations are strongly recommended. Special arrangements for payments can be made for unique circumstances. Checks should be made payable to LIBERTY TOURS. All cancellation penalties are the responsibility of the participant.
Please send check payment and names of participants to:
ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN TOUR PRICE: Upgrade at Cedar Point Amusement Park (approx. $120 for Fast Pass Plus), Baggage Fee approx. $45 & Other items such as: Souvenirs, excess baggage or portage charges, personal trip or baggage insurance, room service, laundry, phone charges, food or beverages not part of the group menu, tips / gratuities for special services, expenses incurred on personal activities not included where group participation is not specified in the itinerary, etc. Suggested amount of spending money to bring is $500 per person. Adult Tour does not include airfare - you secure your own airfare (adult tour only).